Thursday, September 24, 2009

Make the most of every opportunity...

It's fun going out and wondering who you will meet. Another gym story! Last week David met a lady there and we said we'd exchange address cards next time. She was there tonight and duly produced the card along with a note of her son's address and the church he used to go to. David gave his card too. Surely these'encounters' have a purpose. Next week will be the chance to chat more. Then David had another 'incident' in the bath! A few weeks ago the cleaning lady had come in to the men's bath and starting scooping water out of the bath in which David was relaxing. Just as David was going into the shower area tonight she appears again and we almost collide! And she's still there doing the mopping in the changing room when David comes out (towel wrapped round middle this time). Probably no one ever speaks to the cleaning lady. So David compliments her on keeping the place nice and tidy. Another comment was needed to get a conversation going but it flowed after that. We even talked about the Loch Ness Monster. And of course she asks 'Why are you here?' Another way in. Another chance to share. Even in the unlikely setting of the men's changing room and the cleaning lady. Maybe a bit like the passage we were looking at on Sunday in our first service, Jesus and the Samaritan woman. You never know when the opportunities might come. (No photo for this blog!)

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