Saturday, December 31, 2011

Reflections on a Year

As we draw to the end of a year, it is time to reflect on the months which have just gone by and look forward to what might lie ahead.  Certainly at this time last year we could never have predicted that 2011 would have brought such tragedy and suffering to so many, not just in Japan but in many parts of the world.  We had just had a really encouraging first-ever Hiragishi Family Christmas and were hoping to build on that through the year.  But there were to be many twists and turns which we could not have anticipated which made many changes in our lives.  February saw us receive a phone call to inform us of the sudden death of the pastor of Otaru Church where we had worked for eight years.  It was the pastor with whom we had worked for one year before handing over the leadership to him in 2008.  For the coming months we spent time with the folks in Otaru and David committed to preaching there once a month till September.  Less than a month after that, the earthquake struck unleashing a tsunami of unbelievable power to sweep away anything and anyone in its wake.  Although we were far away from the tsunami zone, the day of the earthquake and its aftermath are unforgettable.  Almost immediately we were involved in coordinating a team from Hokkaido to visit one of the areas.  Over the months many volunteers have been to help in the devastated areas and it was a privilege to be able to lead a team in July (with Daniel and Matthew too) and do what we could among people who had lost so much.  There are many sobering scenes which have been seen and pain-filled stories which have been heard over the months since March 11th.  Many of our colleagues have worked tirelessly and sacrificially serving in these areas.  Life was to change for us even more as OMF decided to begin a relief work in one of the tsunami-devastated areas.  The couple appointed to lead the work were the leaders of OMF's work in Hokkaido and the end result for us is that we took on that role temporarily from August.  These past months have been an intense time of juggling and trying as far as possible to give good time and energy to the work in Hiragishi as well as leading the OMF work and team in Hokkaido.  We are thankful for God's grace which has always been sufficient and his strength which is indeed made perfect in weakness.  We have continued to be involved in the community here - Lorna has done much through the local school and David became PTA Chairman in April.  These have given many opportunities both to get to know people and become known by so many.  One big lesson we have learned is the importance of building up relationships with people and being where people are.  It has been encouraging to see so many coming to events we have held at Easter, during the summer and then again at Christmas - and almost all of those who have come are people who are known personally to us or others in Izumi Church.  The boys have continued at Hebron and the local primary school respectively and there have as always been more than a few tales to tell (they would take up too much space to narrate here!)  So it has been a year of many unforeseen changes.  But as we look back we can give testimony that God has been with us and has provided for our needs.  Nothing catches him by surprise.  Looking ahead, we can already see many changes on the horizon - but who knows what else might be waiting?  Next year should see Daniel finishing Hebron and hopefully starting university; Calum will go to Hebron in August; we will at some point in the year hand over leadership of Izumi Church to our OMF colleagues Richard and Catherine East; our present co-workers the Kochs will head back to Germany for their first home assignment but plan to return to Hiragishi in 2013; and the big change will be to take on the Field Director role from November.  We are thankful that another colleague will take on the Hokkaido leadership from April and give us some breathing space to get ready for all the other changes.  We always take encouragement from the words od Deuteronomy 31:8 at the beginning of a new year - the Lord himself goes before; He is with us; He will never leave us.  Great promises!

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