Follow our journey as we seek to plant a church in Sapporo
Saturday, August 14, 2010
The spirits return
We live right opposite one of the largest graveyards in Sapporo. It really is huge with thousands upon thousands of graves. Actually the setting is quite pleasant - the mature trees make it seem like a park. In fact in Japanese it is called a 'spirit garden'. These last two or three days have seen much activity. The roadsides have been full of parked cars; people are always milling around; Buddhist priests hang about ringing their bells and chanting a sutra upon request (for a nice fee of course); the graves are cleaned (buckets and scoops are helpfully provided); and each grave is decorated with flowers and perhaps some fruit, and incense sticks are burned. Why? It's the time of 'obon' when family members return to the family grave to pay their respects to the spirits of deceased relatives who are said to return temporarily at this time. It's fascinating to wander round the spirit garden and just observe. Whole families turn up, all dressed very casually and the atmosphere is certainly far from sombre, although everyone will quietly stand in front of the grave when the priest does his chant. One of the relatives passes him an envelope in gratitude for services rendered. Many of those who visit the grave at this time of year probably do so purely out of tradition, though some will believe that the spirits do indeed return and they certainly want to make sure that the grave is visited and rites performed. It is fascinating to observe - but at the same time it is sad and the thought occurs as to where the contact points are with the gospel. So many need to hear of the living God who promises life both now and forever.
We are David and Lorna Ferguson working with OMF International in Sapporo in the northernmost island of Japan. We have worked in Japan since 1998 and are presently living in an area of the city called Hiragishi aiming by God's grace to plant a church here. We have 4 boys who are an invaluable asset to our ministry.
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